Bachelor of Social Work, Curtin University
Accredited Mental Health Social Worker
Systemic Family Therapy Certification: Relationships Australia, Sydney
Systemic family therapy was informed and underpinned by the approach of Dr Milton Erickson. Erickson, an American Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, and founding president of the Society for Clinical Hypnosis, was noted for his work with the unconscious mind as creative and solution generating. Along with Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead, he is noted for influencing the fields of strategic, systemic, family and solution-focused therapies.
Solutions Focused Therapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy Training: Dr Jeffery Zeig, Dr Rob McNeilly and Bill O’Hanlon – practitioners who studied directly with Dr Milton Erickson.
Family Constellations: Robert Doetsch, Cologne, Germany – a therapeutic method, founded by Bert Hellinger, which draws on elements of family systems therapy. In a single session, a Family Constellation attempts to reveal a supposedly unrecognized dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family and to resolve the deleterious effects of that dynamic by encouraging the subject, through representatives, to encounter and accept the factual reality of the past.
Trained in Radical Exposure Tapping: Dr Laurie Mackinnon, Sydney - Combines the rigour of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with the flexibility of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to reduce disturbing affect or emotional reactivity associated with unprocessed trauma memories.
Trained at the Centre for Equine Experiential Learning (CEEL): Cindy Jacobs, Torquay.
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner: Somatic Experiencing® International, Brisbane
Somatic Experiencing® is a body oriented approach to healing trauma. The SE approach focuses on the release of traumatic shock - key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. Peter Levine is the founder of SE. His work in trauma is grounded in medical biophysics, psychophysiology, biology, neuroscience and his innovative research into the instinctual behaviour of wild animals.